Now The Cost Of FUE/FUT Hair Transplant Is Similar At Avenues Clinic

This is very unfortunate that most of the hair loss patients do not choose hair transplant surgery due to the cost of the treatment. However, most of them want to have the surgery but they search for cheap options. There is nothing wrong in thinking about the cost but cheap options are not the ultimate solution. If a procedure is costly, the patients have full rights to visit the clinic to talk about the cost of the treatment. Every clinic follows a transparent process about the cost and mostly, the cost is not changed. You can check the fact by visiting the Avenues clinic for talking to the surgeons about the Hair Transplant Cost In Ahmedabad.



The factors that affect the cost

Generally, the cost of the treatment depends on various factors. For example, the experience of the doctor may increase the cost since it is related to the reputation of the doctor or clinic. Sometimes, facilities provided by the clinic decide the cost and it is also decided by the suitable procedure for the patient. Usually, FUE is considered more costly than FUT or strip surgery.

Why is FUE more expensive?

FUE and FUT both are considered as the best procedure for hair transplant surgery but FUR is believed to be more costly because it needs more experience and expertise to be performed. As the grafts are removed from the donor area, it needs more concentration and generally, the surgeon needs more time to perform the surgery. FUE is an advanced procedure which allows the surgeon to take the hairs from the other areas of the body. Sometimes, the surgery is needed to correct the errors made by the surgeon during FUT technique. All of these reasons are enough to increase the cost of the surgery.

FUE is not more costly at the Avenues

The Avenues clinic has developed revolutionary ways to perform both the techniques with exceptional expertise and it is easy for the clinic to offer both of the treatments at the same rate. The cost of the treatments, ’however’ depends on the conditions of the disease and it can be different for every patient. The Expertise of the surgeons has reached the ultimate level of excellence to control the cost of both of the procedure for the patients.

The experienced surgeons at the Avenues perform both of the procedure taking less time and it is possible to perform the FUE procedure at a rapid rate with the help of modern and advanced techniques, devices, and facilities.

What if the cost is the same?

If the cost of both of the procedure is the same, the patients now can choose any procedure leaving all the worries. FUE is an ultimate option but many of the patients choose FUT since it is a cheap option in comparison of FUE. Now, the conditions are changed in the Avenues and the patients can hope for a genuine Hair Transplant Cost In Ahmedabad for both of the procedures.