Women Hairline Feminine Hair Transplant Surgery

Undoubtedly, the Avenues Clinic is a preferable destination for all the people who are suffering from the hair loss problem. Not only men but a lot of women also visit the clinic for Ahmedabad Hair Transplant. Actually, the pattern of baldness in women is not similar to the pattern of the baldness in women. Therefore, all the women patients need a different idea to be treated. However, the experts of the Avenues are able to treat both the men and women using advanced medical and surgical procedures.


A receding hairline

In women, a receding hairline affects the confidence level of the women since it is related to the beauty and appearance. When women face the initial signs of hair loss, they generally try to hide the condition by applying unnatural and temporary solutions like wigs, hats, wraps, scarves etc. This approach should not be welcomed since these ways are not going to stop the process of baldness.

What Causes Hair Loss in women?

Most of the causes of hair loss are common in women and men but some of the reasons affect women only. Some of these reasons are pregnancy, menopause, physical and mental stress, unnatural and tight hairstyles etc. Different genetic and environmental reasons are responsible for causing a receding hairline with severe hair loss such as hair pulling, infections, alopecia areata, genetics, autoimmune disorders, tumors, thyroid diseases etc.

Diagnosing the receding hairlines

A lot of blood tests are performed to determine the real cause of receding hairline in women. These test generally include follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), leutinizing hormone (LH), Levels of the hormones testosterone, DHEA, prolactin, and androstenedione for hormonal imbalance and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) tests, Serum iron and serum ferritin for determining anemia. Thyroid tests diagnose thyroid issues that may cause hair loss. Apart from these tests, Blood count tests check red blood cells, white blood cells, and hemoglobin as well.

Medical treatments for receding hairline

The treatment totally depends on the diagnosis of the real cause of the problem. For example, hormonal therapy resolves the issues related to hormonal imbalance while thyroid medications deal with the problems caused by thyroid disorders. Hair loss caused by medications is treated by stopping such medications.

Hair transplant surgery for women

Male pattern baldness generally does not affect the back and sides of the head in male patients. These hairs are used for hair transplant surgery for men but the women patients do not have these donor areas since baldness in women does not leave any stable sites. Therefore women are not natural candidates for hair transplant surgery. However, in the following cases, the women can be ideal candidates for hair transplant surgery:

Women who want to restore their hairline

Women who have lost some hair due to burns or injuries

Women with thinning scalp hair

Women suffering from traction alopecia

The following steps are taken by the surgeons before they reach a final decision:

Determining the candidacy

Deep examination of the donor area

Deep examination of the recipient area

Pre-operative procedures


The case of hair loss in women is totally different but with the help of Ahmedabad Hair Transplant in the Avenues clinic, females can deal with the problem efficiently